Artwork terms of use
Copyright © 2015 - 2024 Lucy's Clay Designs. All Rights Reserved. All artworks are copyright of Lucy's Clay Designs and no images are to be used without her consent.
All purchased artworks from Lucy's Clay Designs are strictly for PERSONAL USE ONLY (personal enjoyment or gift-giving) and do not include any licensed use. If you intend to use your purchased artwork in any way outside the scope of personal enjoyment, you must contact Lucy's Clay Designs for distribution licensing with paid royalties.
The artist always retains the full rights to her original works and photos of her works, whether sold or commissioned, unless purchaser has specifically paid for copyright. Reproduction, Digital and/or Commercial use of the artwork without explicit written consent from the artist, Lucy's Clay Designs, is strictly prohibited and punishable by international copyright laws.
Using (Reproduction, Digital and/or Commercial use) or imitating any intellectual properties solely entitled to it’s creator Lucy's Clay Desings, would be a violation of copyright / trademark ownership and infringement, resulting in legal action.
If sharing your personalized sculpture photo in a Magazine, or on social media by your Wedding Planner, Photographer or any other vendor, we require to be tagged and credit mentioned in any social share (For Instagram: @lucysclaydesigns / For Facebook: @Lucy's Clay Designs).
If you are unsure of copyright issue, please email me at for more information.